April 24, 2024

In addition to posting below, we email our Weekly eNews. Would you like to be added to the list? Email office@vashonpreschurch.org to let us know. Have something to share? Email our Newsletter Editor Nancy Tucker at newsletter@vashonpreschurch.org.

Zoom Login for all VPC Events

Heindsmann Scholarship Applications

We are now accepting applications for the award of the annual Heindsmann scholarship.  This scholarship is available to students with two years of college, or those who are pursuing special training or retraining. Application forms can be obtained in the VPC office or delivered electronically by request. The deadline for receipt of the forms is tomorrow, April 25.

Hospitality Committee Meeting after Worship this Sunday

We’ll hold a brief meeting in the library following the worship service this Sunday. The purpose is to finalize the planning for the all-church barbecue on Sunday, May 5.

VPC Barbecue Potluck Lunch Sunday, May 5: Bring Friends and Family

Our annual barbecue lunch with a South of the Border theme (Cinco de Mayo) will be held right after church service next Sunday, May 5. Depending on the weather, we’ll set up seating both outside and inside. This is always a fun, festive occasion, so be sure to join us, and feel free to bring along friends and family. We’ll be serving burgers (beef and veggie), along with some Mexican dishes.

Hospitality will provide the burgers and beverages, as well as cooked chicken for tacos. A signup sheet will be on the table by the office. We’ll need side dishes to accompany the burgers (think chips/dips/salsas/slaw/beans, etc.) as well as desserts. We’re also looking for Mexican side dishes and taco fixings.

We’ll set up the Social Hall on Saturday, May 4, and are looking for a few volunteers to set up tables and help decorate. Even if you aren’t able to contribute a dish or to help set up or clean up, please come and be part of this fun Spring event!

If you can lend a hand, please text Nancy Tucker at (818) 259-1770.

Faith Formation

Faith Formation program will resume in May. Information about the program will be provided in the E-news and newsletter.


Our congregation is hosting the IFCH meal on May 28. There is a sign-up sheet in the east room for volunteers to bring meal items. For further information, please contact Brownie Carver.

CPR / AED Training

We will be scheduling CPR/AED training at the Fire Station. We would like to have as many people as possible brush up on their CPR skills and learn how to use our AED that now resides in our church. We are also going to invite the employees of the schools who are in our building to take advantage of this opportunity too. We are working with the providers to agree on a date; more information will be provided.

Coffee Hour Hosts Needed for May

There is a sign-up sheet in the east room for Sunday coffee hour hosts. Please consider a date or text Nancy Tucker at (818) 259-1770 for more information about what is involved.

Theology Pub

Theology Pub is tomorrow, April 25 at 5:00 pm at Camp Colvos. The theme is “What losses have you experienced in life? And where has God and your faith been in the midst of that loss?”

Wednesday Wanderings

We are beginning our Wednesday Wandering for anyone who would like to join us for a walk at 3:00. We will meet at the church and proceed from there. Please come and walk with us! We will be doing this weekly so if you can’t make it this time, come next week.

Sanctuary Flowers

There is a sign-up sheet in the East Room for sanctuary flower donations for May and June.

  • Thursday 5:00 pm – Theology Pub (Camp Colvos)
  • Friday 11:00 am – Anything Goes (Grief Group) (Zoom)
  • Friday 7:00 pm – Game night (Zoom)
  • Sunday 10:00 am – Sunday worship service
  • Monday noon – Sunday Wrap-up (Zoom)
  • Tuesday 9:00 am – Coffee at Sporty’s
  • Tuesday noon – Text study (Zoom)
  • Wednesday 8:30 am – Body prayer (Zoom)